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What is clear river racing?

Clear River Racing is a non-profit association that is managed by a team of students at Karlstad University. Where as the project is supported by sponsorship. 

The goal of the project is to design and build a fully functional formula car from scratch each year. The aim each year is to educate the next generation of engineers, economics and marketing professionals.

The purpose of Clear River Racing is to inspire and and test the limit of students today. 

Great thanks to our largest contributing sponsors

Newsletter Februari CRR25

Allmän info  Vi deltog på jobbmässan HotSpot vid Karlstads universitet, där vi fick möjlighet [...]

Newsletter Januari CRR25

Allmän info  I början av januari fick vi besök av Chalmers Formula Student som [...]

Newsletter December CRR25

December markerar slutet på en händelserik termin för vårt team. Nyhetsbrevet den här månaden [...]

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